Unlikely to make a
relevant contribution to necessary climate change
mitigation needed by the 2030’s due to
nuclear’s impracticably lengthy development and
construction time-lines, and the overwhelming
construction costs of the very great volume of reactors
that would be needed to make a difference. POWER Magazine, January 25, 2022
"Low carbon" misses the point The view that climate protection requires expanding
nuclear power has a basic flaw in its prevailing framing: it
rarely if ever relates climate-effectiveness to cost or to
speed—even though
climate change requires scaling the fastest and cheapest
solutions. By focusing on carbon but only peripherally mentioning
cost and speed,
by not relating these three variables
this approach mis-frames what climate solutions must do.
Nuclear power not only isn’t a silver bullet, but, by using
it, we shoot ourselves in the foot, thereby shrinking
and slowing climate protection compared with
choosing the fastest, cheapest tools.
A common myth often repeated is that renewables use far more
land than nuclear power. This is corrected in Amory Lovins's technical
paper — Renewable
Energy’s ‘Footprint’ Myth. Solar land-use is actually
comparable to, or somewhat less than, nuclear’s, if
you properly include the nuclear fuel cycle, not just
the power plant it supports.
Wind power’s land use in turn is 1–2+ orders of magnitude
smaller than solar’s. A recent Bloomberg report,
though it provides a more nuanced treatment, surprisingly
botched this comparison, having been misled by a report from
a Koch-funded “think tank” whose dodgy provenance Bloomberg
may not have realized and did not mention. By Amory Lovins,
Beyond Nuclear International, October 3, 2021
Does nuclear power effectively reduce carbon emissions?
If countries want to lower emissions as substantially,
rapidly, and cost-effectively as possible, they should
prioritize support for renewables rather than nuclear power.
Scare resources allocated to slower or less cost
effective-options – like nuclear power – detract from
greater progress with more effective options like
renewables. No single option is essential in a diverse mix.
By Benjamin K. Sovacool, Patrick Schmid, Andy Stirling,
Goetz Walter and Gordon MacKerron, Nature Energy,
May 2021
What Bill Gates has wrong about
"advanced" nuclear reactors Physicist Dr. Edwin
Lyman discusses the safety, security, and environmental
impact of proposed "advanced" nuclear reactors. Union of
Concerned Scientists, April 13, 2021
“Advanced” Isn’t Always Better Assessing the Safety,
Security, and Environmental Impacts of Non-Light-Water
Nuclear Reactors. The report
examines all the proposed new types of reactor under
development in the US and fails to find any that could be
developed in time to help deal with the urgent need to cut
carbon emissions. The US government is spending $600 million
on supporting these prototypes. By Edwin Lyman, Union of Concerned
Scientists, March 2021
invested in nuclear power makes the climate crisis worse
The construction of new power
plants is
simply excluded, not just because it is the most expensive
form of electricity generation today, but above all,
because it takes a long time to build reactors. In other
words, every euro invested in new nuclear power plants makes
the climate crisis worse because now this money cannot be
used to invest in efficient climate protection options.
Deutsche Welle (Germany), March 11, 2021
Every dollar wasted on nuclear is a dollar not invested in
Investment in nuclear is mostly correlated
negatively with
decreases in carbon emissions, while investment in
renewables was positively correlated with such decreases
across the board. By Tim Judson and Luis Hestres, Beyond
Nuclear International, October 25, 2020
Two's a crowd: Nuclear and renewables don't mix
- differences in carbon emissions reduction between
countries pursuing renewable electricity versus nuclear
power. If countries want to lower emissions as
substantially, rapidly and cost-effectively as possible,
they should prioritize support for renewables, rather than
nuclear power, the findings of a major new energy study
conclude. ScienceDaily, October 5, 2020
nuclear fantasies
Nuclear power is like a wild goose chase where the goose is
a zombie that cannot be killed. The nuclear option in
Australia has been buried at least three times previously,
only to be brought back from the dead. Outlawed multiple
times and also found to be uneconomic, it still has its
industry and right-wing proponents. By Dr. Darrin Durant,
University of Melbourne, December 2019
claims on nuclear energy
Replies to seven misleading pro-nuclear claims made on a
recent Australian radio show. By Dr. Mark
Diesendorf, University of New South Wales, November
I oversaw the US nuclear power industry. Now I think it
should be banned
Too bad he didn't figure this out while he was chair of the
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. By Gregory Jaczko, May 17,
How Vietnam got talked out of nuclear power
In 2016, a delegation from South Africa, Germany and Japan gave the
Vietnamese government 12 compelling reasons not to start a
nuclear energy program. Vietnam agreed. It's a list that
every country considering a nuclear power program should
read. Beyond Nuclear, July 23, 2018
Does living near a nuclear plant give children cancer?
More than 60 studies worldwide show increases in leukemia among children
living near nuclear power plants. But a similar study
commissioned for the US was abruptly canceled. Was a
regulator, all too beholden to the nuclear industry, afraid
of what it would show? By Cindy Folkers, Beyond Nuclear,
July 23, 2018
Scientists assessed the options for growing nuclear power
They are grim. (Why more nuclear power plants won't be
built, continued ... this time, by pro-nuclear scientists, not
anti-nuclear campaigners.)
their evident belief in the need for nuclear power, the
researchers are unable to construct a plausible scenario in
which it thrives. By David Roberts, July 11,
Exelon: No new nuclear power units will be built in US
"I don't think we're building any more nuclear plants in the
United States. I don't think it's ever going to happen,"
said a senior executive.
This includes small modular reactors, seen as too expensive,
due to size and security requirements. Exelon is the largest
electric utility holding company and the largest nuclear
generator in the US. Platts, April 12, 2018
Preserving Nuclear
Power Stations? No, thanks
Jersey has now quantified what it takes to keep obsolete,
uncompetitive nuclear power plants running: $300 million a
year for about four plants. Imagine how much truly clean,
safe, sustainable energy that money could provide.
Similarly, economists calculate that the WPPSS-2 nuclear
plant at Hanford is costing the Pacific Northwest $85
million annually to run. That is the difference between its
cost of production and the market value of its product.
That's a lot of solar panels and wind generators foregone.
Shutting down the WPPSS plant now would free up that much
money and get us on the long road to decommissioning, which
only gets more expensive as time goes on. By
Roger Lippman, April 25, 2018
The Case Against Nuclear Power: Facts and Arguments from A-Z
A downloadable handbook with clear, succinct arguments for
the phase-out of nuclear power. Chapters include:
Radiation and harm to human health
Climate change and why nuclear power can't fix it
By Beyond Nuclear,
March 2018
Our local pro-nuclear
By Roger Lippman, January 23, 2018
outages homogeneous among nuclear power technologies?
Nuclear electricity
production has been constrained over the last decades by a
low availability factor of plants, about only 2/3 on
average. This paper focuses on unplanned outages that
particularly affect the availability of nuclear power plants
adversely. By Stefan Seifert, et al,
DIW Berlin, 2017
A dozen reasons for the economic failure of nuclear power
The nuclear industry’s collapse is stunning, but it should
come as no surprise. This is exactly what happened during
the first round of nuclear construction in the United
States, in the decade between 1975 and 1985. History is
repeating itself because of a dozen factors and trends that
render nuclear power, new and old, inevitably uneconomic. By
Mark Cooper, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
October 17, 2017
The Harm Caused by Radioactivity The basics about
the dangers of radioactivity to human health. The article
was prepared for the
Algonquins of Pikwakanagan, Ontario. By Gordon Edwards,
Ph.D., Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, July
Top nuclear power disasters
Eight of the worst ever, and not just the ones you've heard
of. Energy Business
Review, July 28, 2017
Fourteen Alleged Magical Properties That Coal and Nuclear
Plants Don't Have and Shouldn't Be Paid Extra for Providing
Energy efficiency, grid flexibility, and modern renewables
enhance grid reliability and do so at a lower cost than
heavily-subsidized nuclear power. By Amory Lovins, Rocky
Mountain Institute, July 21, 2017
Nuclear Power's
Horribilis 2017 will go down with 1979 (Three Mile Island), 1986
(Chernobyl) and 2011 (Fukushima) as one of the nuclear
industry’s worst ever ‒ and there’s still another six months
to go. By Jim Green, July 9, 2017
More than half of US nuclear plants losing money The
US nuclear sector is losing $2.9 billion annually.
Thirty-four of the nations 61 nuclear stations (including
sites with multiple reactors) are losing money. Nuclear
plants receive $20 to $30/MWh for their electricity, while
it costs $35/MWh on average to generate it. Bloomberg News,
June 14, 2017
This 2-minute animation shows why building new nuclear
plants is a
lost opportunity for humankind with precious time and money
wasted on the wrong choice. At least $8.2 trillion would be
needed to build the 1,000 atomic reactors the nuclear
industry wants – that’s 1 reactor every 12-days for
35-years. By the year 2050, these reactors would have offset
less than 10% of the CO2 reduction needed. Fairewinds Energy
Education, 2017
Why more nuclear power plants
can't be built "New," "clean," "safe" nuclear
technologies are promoted all the time, but none of them
actually exists. Actual existence of a design is a precondition for
testing, approval, and licensing. The promoters are still
playing in the fantasy league. By Roger Lippman, May 18,
Fusion Scientist Debunks Fusion Power Problems with
fusion power reactors (if one can ever be made to
work): Easy to produce weapons-grade plutonium-239; huge
parasitic power demand; daunting cooling demands; neutron
radiation damage to the reactor vessel wall (worse than
fission reactors); fire and explosion hazard of molten
lithium coolant; tritium leakage; immense cooling water
demand; high operating costs (twice the number of employees
of a fission reactor). By Daniel Jassby, Bulletin of the
Atomic Scientists, April 19, 2017
pro-nuclear group raises ire of environmental watchdog
The nuclear
industry has a track record of creating front groups like
the new Generation Atomic.
By Maxine Joselow, E&E News, April 19, 2017
In a blow to nuclear power industry, Westinghouse files for
bankruptcy Toshiba, which bought nuclear contractor
Westinghouse in 2006, has written off more than $6 billion
in losses connected to its U.S. nuclear business and has
pulled back from new projects under discussion in India and
Britain. Westinghouse is in charge of constructing four new
reactors in the southern U.S. These projects are over budget
and behind schedule. Washington Post, March 29, 2017
See also
New York Times
'Centralized model of power
production is dying' - EDF executive
Les Echos, the French business newspaper, carried an extraordinary
article from a Senior Vice President of EDF, the largely
state-owned French utility that will build the nuclear reactors at Hinkley Point in
England. Mark Boillot contends that ‘large nuclear or
thermal power plants designed to function as baseload are
challenged by the more flexible decentralized model’.
He says that the centralised model of power production is
dying, to be replaced by local solar and wind, supplemented
by batteries and intelligent management of
supply and demand. Not only will this be cheaper in the long
run but customers are actually prepared to pay more for
solar electricity and actively work to reduce
usage at times of shortage. His conclusion is that ‘the
traditional model must adapt to the new realities, thus
allowing the utilities to emerge from ... hypercentralized
structures in a world that is becoming more and more
decentralized’. In most jurisdictions Mr. Boillot would have
been asked to clear his desk. What will EDF do about one of its
most senior people openly forecasting the end of the large
power station as it tries to raise the ten billion euros
necessary to pay for its share of Hinkley? Nuclear
Monitor issue 838, February 21, 2017
The Murky Future of Nuclear Power in the United States
Engineers know that among the goals of quick, cheap, and
high quality, you can pick any two. The nuclear
industry still hasn't learned that, and they, of all
industries, need all three. New York Times,
February 18, 2017
Toshiba's Chairman Resigns as Its Nuclear Power Losses Mount
Financial mess, flawed business decisions, spiraling cost
overruns, scandal, contribute to the failure after Toshiba's
acquisition of Westinghouse. Plants the company is building
in Georgia and South Carolina are three years behind
schedule and billions of dollars over budget. Plants in
China are also behind schedule. Toshiba says it will write
off more than $6 billion and withdraw from the business of
building nuclear plants. Wouldn't you think they would have
known better in the first place? New York Times,
February 14, 2017
U.S. lists 17 nuclear reactors with parts from forge under
probe Authorities in France have opened an
investigation into decades of alleged forgery of documents
relating to the quality of parts produced at Le Creusot and
used in power plants around the world. Reuters, January 10,
French regulator says Creusot Forge "ill-equipped" to make
nuclear components Beyond Nuclear, March 22,
For a list of U.S. nuclear power
plants using the suspect parts,
click here (Source: NRC)
Accident Scenarios Involving Pebble Bed High
Temperature Reactors This paper
examines some of the assumptions underlying
the safety case for high temperature gas
cooled reactors and highlights ways in which
there could be fuel failure even during
normal operations of the reactor; these
failures serve to create a radioactive
inventory that could be released under
accident conditions. By Matthias
Englert, Friederike Frieß & M. V. Ramana,
Science & Global Security, February 22,
checkered operational history of
high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGR) Examining the performances of HTGRs
offers a useful guide to what one can expect
from future HTGRs, if and when more are
constructed, and reasons to reject that
option altogether. By M. V. Ramana, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, April
18, 2016
Taxpayers face bill for French nuclear crisis
The liabilities of Électricité de France (EDF) −
the biggest electricity supplier in Europe, with 39 million
customers − are increasing so fast that they will soon
exceed its assets, according a report by an independent
equity research company. Bankruptcy for EDF seems
The cost of producing electricity from its aging nuclear
reactors is greater than the market price. The cost of
producing electricity from renewables is still falling,
while nuclear gets ever more expensive, and massive
liabilities loom. Ultimately, the bill will have to be
passed on to the taxpayers. By Paul Brown, Climate News
Network, December 2, 2016
Nuclear Power: Game Over Debunking pro-nuclear
arguments. By Derek Abbott, Australian Quarterly,
October 2016
Closing Diablo Canyon will save money and carbon Nuclear power incurs an
operating cost that has become very high. Saving and
reinvesting that avoidable cost can buy a larger quantity of
cheaper carbon-displacing resources, saving even more
carbon. By Amory Lovins, Rocky
Mountain Institute, June 22, 2016 (Originally published in
Forbes magazine.)
Wall Street Journal fakes a green shift toward
nuclear power Environmental groups
cited in the Journal article deny that they support
nuclear power. Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, June 24,
The Sierra Club still opposes
nuclear power A recent
Wall Street
Journal article reflects wishful thinking on the part of
the nuclear industry but doesn't accurately represent the
position of the Sierra Club. By Michael Brune, Sierra Club
Executive Director, June 23, 2016
Illinois energy and a note on nukes
Natural Resources Defense Council takes issue with the Wall Street Journal article and reaffirms NRDC's support
for clean energy. June 20, 2016
Anomalies and suspected falsifications in the nuclear
industry: a dozen countries affected
On May 3, 2016, the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN)
announced that Areva had informed it of "irregularities in
components produced at its Creusot Forge plant." The
problems concern documents attesting to the quality of
several parts manufactured at the site. The ASN specifies
"inconsistencies", pointing to shortcomings in quality
control (as a best-case scenario) but also mentions
"omissions or modifications" related to the potential
falsification of manufacturing reports. By
Clément Sénéchal, Greenpeace France, June 16, 2016
list of US nuclear plants that have suspect components from
Areva's Creusot Forge List provided by Areva to the
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, December 15, 2016
Mikhail Gorbachev: 30 years after Chernobyl, time to phase
out nuclear power Now 85 and a
committed environmentalist, he's campaigning to bring the
failed nuclear experiment to an end before further disasters
follow. By Linda Pentz Gunther, The Ecologist, April
26, 2016
NRC gives Entergy pass on falsifying fire safety reports at
Waterford and Pilgrim nuclear power stations The
NRC is willfully ignoring enforcement of federal fire safety
laws that came about from the very real fire at the Browns
Ferry nuclear power plant. Beyond Nuclear, April
13, 2016
Belgium Fears Nuclear Plants are Vulnerable
Concerns of terrorists exploding a bomb
inside a nuclear plant or of flying something into the plant
from outside. Revelation of Islamic State surveillance of a
top nuclear plant official.
New York Times, March 25, 2016
The Nuclear Industry Prices Itself out of Market for New
Nuclear Plants In the modern era, nuclear power plants have almost always
become more and more expensive over time. They have a
“negative learning curve” — along with massive delays and
cost overruns in market economies. This is confirmed both by
recent studies and by the ongoing cost escalations of
nuclear plants around the world. Even the French can't build
an affordable, on-schedule nuclear plant in their own
nuclear-friendly country. By Joe Romm,
Climate Progress, March 8, 2016
Status of US Nuclear Power Plants A
listing of all operating, decommissioned, and cancelled
plants, with details. US Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
September 2015 (PDF)
How I Became an Anti-Nuclear Activist
Video interview with Gordon Edwards, president of the Canadian
Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, July 25, 2015
Estimating the longevity of commercial nuclear reactors:
A demographic analysis of plants in the US. The question of
life span of nuclear power plants is now highly pertinent,
given efforts to subsidize nuclear units in New York and
Illinois. The expected lifetime of these units is going to
have a central bearing on the debate. By Robert McCullough,
Public Utilities Fortnightly, June 2015
pathway to 100% clean, non-nuclear, non-fossil energy
The Solutions Project, March 2015
Nuclear power's "managerial disaster"
still true 30 years later Forbes magazine’s
February 11, 1985 cover story headlined “Nuclear Follies.”
The business investment journal wrote “The failure of the
U.S. nuclear power program ranks as the largest managerial
disaster in business history, a disaster on a monumental
scale… only the blind or the biased can now think that the
money has been well spent.” Fast-forward thirty years,
and we
see the nuclear industry still imploding. Beyond Nuclear,
February 11, 2015
On James Hansen's
support for nuclear
Hansen’s Generation IV nuclear fallacies and fantasies
Hansen claims that some
Generation IV reactors (which are not yet designed, nor
has their technology been selected) can convert
weapons-usable (fissile) material and long-lived nuclear
waste into low-carbon electricity. This article challenges
him on both counts. By Jim Green, Nuclear Monitor,
August 25, 2017
Exelon-PEPCO merger supported by James Hansen
Exelon, the largest US nuclear utility, is taking over the
independent utility PEPCO (Washington, DC), in a move that
it hopes will salvage three of its aging, uneconomic nuclear
reactors in Illinois. Unfortunately, this process has
the misguided backing of climate scientist James Hansen. By
Michael Mariotte, Nuclear Monitor issue 822, April
Why James Hansen is Wrong About Nuclear Power Hansen and a handful of other climate scientists present an
argument in which new nuclear power achieves and sustains an
unprecedented growth rate for decades. The one quantitative
“illustrative scenario” proposed - “a total
requirement of 115 reactors per year to 2050 to entirely decarbonize the global electricity system” — is far beyond
what the world ever sustained during the nuclear heyday of
the 1970s, and far beyond what the overwhelming majority of
energy experts, including those sympathetic to the industry,
think is plausible. They ignore the core issues: The nuclear
power industry has essentially priced itself out of the
market for new power plants because of its 1) negative
learning curve and 2) inability to avoid massive delays and
cost overruns in market economies. This is doubly
problematic because the competition — renewable power,
electricity storage, and energy efficiency — have seen
steady, stunning price drops for a long time. By Joe Romm,
Climate Progress, January 7, 2016
Nuclear Power is not the answer to climate change mitigation Response
to James Hansen, et al, by three Japanese scientists.
January 31, 2014
Environmentalists urge Hansen to rethink nuclear
Over 300 U.S.
and international environmental and clean
energy groups say in a joint letter released
on January 8 that, while they respect the
climate change work of Dr James Hansen and
three of his academic colleagues, they take
exception to the notion that nuclear power
is the solution to global warming.
The statement was
organized by US organizations the Civil
Society Institute and the Nuclear Information and Resource
Service, in response to a November 2013
statement by James
Hansen, Ken Caldeira, Kerry Emanuel, and Tom Wigley.
January 6, 2014
Why Letter by James Hansen, et al Misses the Mark on Nuclear
Power and Renewables By
NIRS and the Civil Society Institute, December 2013
Letter of response sent to Hansen, et al, January 6,
Why Nuclear Power Fails Jeremy Rifkin, President of the Foundation on Economic
Trends, speaks at the Wermuth Asset Management 5th Annual
Investors Event regarding nuclear power and its fate in the
future of renewable energy, offering several reasons to
avoid nuclear investments, including:
* Nuclear power
can't be scaled up enough to have an impact on climate
* No solution has been found for the disposal of
nuclear waste.
* Even with existing plants, there will be
a uranium deficit in the not-distant future.
* Water to
cool the power plants is in short supply - over 40% of all
fresh water used in France is used to cool nuclear plants.
The centralized power-plant paradigm is outdated. The future
is bringing distributed generation.
Video (4 minutes),
published October 8, 2013
Pandora's False Promises: Busting the Pro-Nuclear Propaganda Nuclear
power, no matter the reactor design, cannot address climate
change in time. In order to displace a significant amount of
carbon-emitting fossil fuel generation, another 1,000 to
1,500 new 1,000+ Megawatt reactors would need to come on
line worldwide by 2050, a completely prohibitive
proposition. Beyond
Nuclear, May 2013 (PDF)
The "Front End" of Nuclear Power When
industry promoters talk about nuclear power, they don’t tell
you about what goes on at the “front end” — that is, how a
reactor gets its fuel. Front-end industries are not only
dangerous and expensive, they also irreversibly pollute our
lands and endanger public health and workers. Mining,
milling, enrichment and fuel manufacturing consume large
quantities of fossil fuel energy, making nuclear power
anything but carbon free. Sierra Club factsheet (PDF)
Soft Energy Paths for the 21st Century Japan's
Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked Amory Lovins to outline
his reaction to the Fukushima disaster and his suggestions
for Japanese and U.S. energy policy It's a timely
contribution to the rapidly growing movement in Japan to
accelerate the strategic shift from nuclear power to
efficiency and renewables, as Germany is already doing—an
approach consistent with sound economics. July 30, 2011
Nuclear Power: Still Not Viable without Subsidies Government
subsidies to the nuclear power industry over the past fifty
years have been so large in proportion to the value of the
energy produced that in some cases it would have cost
taxpayers less simply to buy kilowatts on the open market
and give them away, according to a February 2011 report by
the Union
of Concerned Scientists. The report looks at the
economic impacts and policy implications of subsidies to the
nuclear power industry—past, present, and proposed. February
Amory Lovins: Expanding Nuclear Power Makes Climate Change
Worse Expanding
nuclear makes climate change worse, for a very simple
reason. Nuclear is incredibly expensive. The costs have just
stood up on end lately. Wall
Street Journal recently
reported that they’re about two to four times the cost that
the industry was talking about just a year ago. And the
result of that is that if you buy more nuclear plants,
you’re going to get about two to ten times less climate
solution per dollar, and you’ll get it about twenty to forty
times slower, than if you buy instead the cheaper, faster
stuff that is walloping nuclear and coal and gas, all kinds
of central plants, in the marketplace. And those competitors
are efficient use of electricity and what’s called
micropower, which is both renewables, except big hydro, and
making electricity and heat together, which takes about half
of the money, fuel, and carbon of making them separately, as
we normally do. Interview on Democracy
Now!, July 16, 2008
New Nuclear Power Plants Are Not a Solution for America's
Energy Needs (PDF)
New nuclear power plants are unlikely to provide a
significant fraction of future U.S. needs for low-carbon
energy. NRDC favors more practical, economical and
environmentally sustainable approaches to reducing both U.S.
and global carbon emissions, focusing on the widest possible
implementation of end-use energy-efficiency improvements,
and on policies to accelerate commercialization of clean,
flexible, renewable energy technologies. NRDC,
February 2007
Nuclear Economics Articles from the
Nuclear Information and Resource Center
Map showing the location, operating
status and generating capacity of all 667 power reactors
that have been built, or are under construction, around the
world. As of 2016.