The Columbia Generating Station (CGS),
formerly known as WPPSS Nuclear Plant #2
from nuclear power to clean, safe energy
The Rays of the Sun
Earth is adding about a gigawatt a day of solar power.
That's about the output of a typical nuclear power plant
(when it is operating). Meanwhile, the number of operating
nuclear plants in the US is on a gradual decline. So we can
see the trend lines heading in opposite directions. By Bill
McKibben, October 7, 2023
Closing Diablo Canyon will save money and carbon
By Amory Lovins, Rocky
Mountain Institute, June 22, 2016 (Originally published in
Forbes magazine.)
Job loss mitigation
and local economic development
Continued job growth in areas affected by nuclear plant
closures - Trojan in Oregon and Rancho Seco in Sacramento -
has been very positive. Although each closure removed a
substantial level of employment, decommissioning activities
and overall economic growth forestalled an employment
downturn in both cases.
Economic Analysis of the Columbia Generating Station,
chapter 7 (pages 179-192 of PDF), by Robert McCullough,
December 2013